UPDATE: April 2021 Sf. Maria Ladies Auxiliary
This year the Ladies Auxiliary celebrates 97 years of existence. The ladies continue to be an important factor and a blessing. They continue to beautify the altar, attend to the needs of the sacristy, receive guidance and raise their children in the Catholic faith. The ladies continue to raise thousands of dollars through fund raisers, donations and bake sales. They continue to work alongside the men to achieve goals for the good of the church. With the guidance of the clergy, they continue to seek opportunities to help spiritually and financially. Today there are 41 members of the Sf. Maria Ladies Auxiliary. Here are some of the major projects that the ladies financed besides other smaller ones that they have involved themselves over the past years:
1. Since 2009, donated over $5,400.00 to the clergy retirement fund.
2. 2010 Purchased new convection oven. Cost $5,400.00.
3. 2012 Renovated small hall (carpet, paint, pictures) Cost $7,500.00.
4. 2012 Renovated Atrium (children’s Catechism room) Cost $2,500.00.
5. 2020 Renovated supply and work room in large hall. Cost $3,000.00.
(Left to Right) Coleen Roska (1st Vice President) Carol Popa (Treasurer), Debbie Murari (President)
Very. Rev. Ovidiu Marginean (Rector), Nancy Maciag (2nd Vicepresident), Emily Stoffer (Secretary)
Not pictured: Debbie Maier, Lisa Getz-Cammel (Auditors)

Founded: August 14, 1924
Sofia Domsa- 1924-1925 Minodora Popa- 1953-1954
Constanta Popp- 1926 Susana Todoran- 1955
Ana Boldea (Maga)- 1927 Aurelia Abraham- 1956
Ana Borzea- 1928 Minodora Popa- 1957
Ravecca Paraska- 1929 Aurelia Majestic- 1958
Regina Caplea- 1930 Elisaveta Hanu- 1959
Susana Todoran- 1933 Aurelia Russ- 1960-1961
Elisaveta Hanu- 1934-1935 Aurelia Abraham- 1962-1963
Elisaveta Mocodean- 1936 Maria Poplacean- 1973-1976
Elisaveta Hanu- 1937 Mary Stroia- 1977-1978
Alexandrina Pitea- 1938-1940 Alexandrina Pitea- 1978-1981
Eugenia Poparad- 1941 Mary Ardelean- 1981-1985, 1987
Helen Drenta- 1942-1943 Pauline Russ- 1986-1987
Alexandrina Pitea- 1944 Katy Cheton- 1988-1989
Elisaveta Hanu- 1945 Ann Maxin- 1990-1991
Ana Babes-1946- 1947 Virginia Gruitza- 1991-199
Susana Todoran- 1948-1949 Florance Branch- 1992-1994
Aurelia Abraham- 1950-1951 Mary Ardelean- 1994-1997
Helen Waltner- 1952 Aurelia Lupsor- 1997-2001
Debbie Murari- 2001- present
The spiritual and ethnic riches brought to the new world by the Romanian women encouraged them to work along side the men of the parish. They realized that only by working together would they succeed in their endeavors to perpetuate their faith and preserve their ancestral heritage. Influenced by these qualities, on August 14, 1924, on the eve of the Holy Day, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a group of 14 women met in the church hall on Ninth Street, N.E. With counsel of Rev. Fr. Dr. Coriolan Pop-Lupu, church pastor, they founded the Sf. Maria Auxiliary, for the purpose of beautifying the Altar, and to receive guidance and help in preparing their children in the Catholic faith. From this group, officers were elected, with Sofia Domsa as first president. Constanta Popp was treasurer and reported 67 charter members.
The members of the Auxiliary have contributed in large measures to the building and maintenance of the churches and parish homes. They have always welcomed the opportunity to prepare and serve the church banquets, social activities and picnics. This had been the chief source of income for the church. Here are some of the donations made by the Auxiliary:
1934- $2,000.00- Church Building Fund
1978- $2,000.00- 65th Anniversary
1957- $2,000.00- Parish House Construction
1979- $2,540.00- Library Furniture
1966- $3,500.00- New Steeple and Cross
1975- $30,000.00- Complete Kitchen Equipment and Dishes $5,000.00- Miscellaneous